Update: Seems they have deleted the link for the above screenshot already. Boring! This one is still working at the moment.

UPDATE III: If you ask a sensible question they don't delete it. Conclusion, don't insult the Glorious Leader!
UPDATE IV: A quality question that has, of course, been deleted by the website administrators.
Hat Tip: Eagle-eyed Darryl Beckford
It's all part of a sinister plot by the Government to root out the enemies of IngSoc...
Stand by for the late-night knock on the door.
How does the unelected Prime Mentalist feel when talking to an actual world leader who is obviously popular?
wv: jaw stan
Sadly anything ansty get deleted. Suggest getting screenshots and sending them over.
Right, so this G20 shindig is hosted by the UK government, yes? Not the Labour Party.
So, who is paying for this little piece of internetexcrement? I'd love to know if it was entirely funded by the Labour party....or, maybe, just maybe, it's the taxpayer that's funding it.
So, the G20? What is it really for? To allow Brown to strut around as if he matters on the world stage and seem like a "real" leader.
Time's up, Brown. You're a dead man walking.
I have a feeling that this one may be deleted...!
Suggest people crop screenshots and put them on imageshack.
Having said that none of my recent ones have been deleted, perhaps the office junior has gone home for the day?
Yep I done that:
How about http://www.labour.org.uk/g20_entries/entry/64023/10e3154aba9bcebf9a4fdc89c2d2e85a/
And in case it goes, find it here - http://www.peter-ould.net/media/draperg20.jpg
Don't think this one will last either!
I've uploaded to a safer location, as I wouldn't want them to get "lost".
So tell us what you want to say to the G20 world leaders before the summit and we’ll make sure we pass on as many of your comments as possible.
... as long as we agree with them of course.
Wow! I've just found this thing called photoshop and it lets you make pictures and put words on them. Imagine what we can do with that?
Frankly I'm amazed it has taken this long for some prick to suggest everything is fake rather than clicking the link and realising what the website is letting people do.
I've just clicked on mine, and it said: "Sorry, but there is no content here but thank you for visiting."
Very Zanu Labour, that sentence.
My question would be "Haven't you resigned yet?"
Shit me Dizzy, I thought you were smarter than that but perhaps I was too subtle.
Fuck me, why not fill out a "Join the Lib Dems" form with the name "Charlie Kennedy is an alco" and take a screenshot?
The photoshop point is that we can make any funny word / photo combo we want any time without some pointless shenanigans on a pointless website.
LAtest offering :
Sorry, but there is no content here but thank you for visiting. Click here for homepage
Alan Douglas
Sentient WV : forkic
No sense of fun, no sense of humour.
Try this:
Well, this one lasted about 30 seconds before they killed it!
Please try not to laugh at our Prime Minister too loudly. He might get upset and throw his mobile phone at you.
Have you seen some of the serious ones? There are a lot of people who seriously believe that the G20 will save everything and lead us into the sunlit uplands of endless prosperity, equality, harmony, green technology, happiness, puppies for every citizen. blah blah blah...
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