- Why is the Labour Party using the G20 when Gordon Brown is there in his capacity as the Prime Minister of Her Majesty's Government not as Leader of the Labour Party?
- Where is the opt-out for the email address?
- Does anyone seriously believe that the questions submitted are going to be answered?
- Is it more fair to say that this is an email address harvesting tool for the Labour Party?
UPDATE: It appears that you don't actually have to give your email address as a requirement. Good to see they tell you that huh? Still you can have fun with the this.
They are really trying their best, not only to kiss Obama's arse, but also to piss off the Germans. If Merkel has a mind, she could finish Brown at this meeting.
But hang on...it gives you a nice page you can link to afterwards:
Not quite as much fun as the logo gen, but nearly.
Lovin it
Its like prescotts logo gen
My entry
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