Well we all know he's going to anyway, but the site is actually to be
www.nickclegg.com/campaign/ rather than
www.nickclegg.com (at least that is where it' at currently). But what's a folder between friends? They will probably put a rewrite rule in at some point.
Nice to see he is using open source!
What's joomla?
It's an open source content management system that is actually quite crappy. Doesn't even have comments built-in. Drupal is miles better. Honestly. Who uses Joomla these days?!
Nick Clog..( he`s half Dutch)...hey why is Mike Rouse hawking a picture of himself all over the place ? Isn`t a little vain ?
verity: having lived in Malaysia you should know that "joomla" is Malay for let's go - or it would be is it had an "h" on the end! Maybe the webmster can't spell properly?
Oh dear, easy to hack.
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