Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day: The Environment and Me!

The other day, someone asked me if I would be taking part in Blog Action Day and writing about the single topic of the environment in order to raise awareness of the subjects' importance. Apparently the organisers don't have a specifc agenda, but they picked the environment "both for the clarity of its importance and the undeniable urgency that issues like global warming and pollution have." So I thought, for a bit of fun, I would write something about what I do daily for the environment.

I drive a 4x4 and I often just pop round the corner to the shop in it to save the strain on my legs. Personally I don't think there is anything more that one can do for the environment than drive a car that eats the most amount of fuel possible.

If, as the theory says, our reliance on fossil fuels like petrol is the cause of the problem then it seems clear that the best way to end that reliance is too use it all up as fast as possible. Only then will car manufacturers consider it economically viable for their business to heavily invest in alternative fuels.

People that drive small cars with 1 to 1.3 litre engines in them should, frankly, be ashamed of themselves as they are helping to prolong the oil supply and thus encoruaging the car giants to not develop anything else. As for cyclists, they are even worse because they're actively not using oil at all.

2) I have the air conditioning in my car switched on permanently, even in winter. This prolongs the life of the aircon unit and means that I do not have to have it replaced as soon as those that never use it. Aircon units have manufacturering processes that damage the environment. This is also a double-whammy as it burns even more fuel as I am driving thus bringing about the end of our reliance on fossil fuel sooner (see previous point). People who have aircon and don't use it are killing the planet.

3) I leave my laptop on permanently, and any other computers I have. Everytime you turn a machine on from cold the component parts expand with the rising temperature and then they contract when you switch it off. The more you do this the shorter the lifetime of the parts and the sooner you will have to replace them.

When you replace them lots of very nasty dangerous chemcicals end up in landfill which then filters down to the water table and eventually you will drink them. People that turn their machines off when they have finished using them are bring about the contamination of the water supply quicker than me, and ending our reliance on fossil fuel generated power slower than me.

4) I regularly fill the kettle right up even if I am having only one cup of tea. I also always boil the water again after making a cup of tea to ensure that it boils quicker the next time I want to make one. Not only does this save me essential seconds in my important life but because my energy is not supplied from renewables, it means that I am using fossil fuels faster and again bringing about the end of our reliance on them sooner.

5) Last and by no means least, I am immensely proud of the fact that I avoid energy saving light bulbs at all costs. Unlike all those that use them I am fully aware that they are not recyclable and contain levels of mercury which, when thrown in landfill, puts the environment in danger as well as increasing the risk of us all getting mercury posioning at some point. Instead I always use 100-watt bulbs for maximum visibility at night, and maximum energy consumption - which I pay for - again in order to end our reliance on fossil fuels sooner rather than later.


Anonymous said...

Apart from your Point 5, I think you must be taking the piss about the most serious problem that the world faces. This blog discredits you. A silly blog Dizzy.

Jonathan Sheppard said...

Or Howard, you could say that Dizzy is writing in an amusing and entertaining way to highlight some of the contradictions that environmentalists come out with - one of them being that 4x4 are bad when in actual fact they may be much more economical that smaller cars. (And no I dont drive one).

Anonymous said...

JS, I will remind of your comments in 10 yrs time when the problem will be much worse. we could have a US President in 2009 who wins on this issue.

dizzy said...

I live on the top of the hill above the River Thames. When the apocalypse comes I will get a sea view.

Tory Radio said...

With respect Howard - please do remind me. Like I say - there are many contradictions in the environmentalist cause. Do you advocate nuclear as the only possible way to make a real imnpact on cutting CO2 emissions. I do. Many environmentalists dont. My point which you either ignored or did not understand is essentially there are alot of people with a do as I say not as I do attitude. I for one would not listen to the likes of Gore while he takes more flights in a year than I will probably take in a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

I can no longer respect your opinions.

dizzy said...

Did you ever respect them?

Trixy said...

But what are you going to do about the fat people, Diz? I read today that it's as big a problem as climate change, which I read to mean it isn't a problem at all..

Also, how come it was global warming, but now it's climate change? Is that because the wizards who predict these things got it wrong?


dizzy said...

I say we let fat people get fat. I think they changed the name because it started getting colder in some places and it confused them. Also it wasn't wizards, it was goblins and witches. Tsk... some people just can;t get their facts straight!

Sackerson said...

If you eat burned toast, does your consumption of the carbon compensate for the fuel used in heating the bread?

Mulligan said...

A week earlier and the Nobel Peace Prize could have been yours Dizzy.

Anonymous said...

Hang on a minute, Goblin was a brand of Teasmade - bedside teamaker for those who could not be prised out in the morning any other way!

Seriously this Blog Action Day thing seems to be an EU front organisation (just like the Communists used to do?), so taking the mickey is "a very good idea" (tm).

Twenty Major said...

Blog Action Day seems like a bunch of idiotic do-gooder cunts who think getting a load of other cunts to write on their blogs about the environment will make the slightest bit of difference to anything.

As for fat people, kill them all and drop their corpses in famine stricken countries. Simple, effective and best of all, no Bob fucking Geldof.

Anonymous said...

Top Blogging!

Funniest thing I've read for ages.
Big up the Dizzmeister.

I look down on you from on high and I am proud.

Anonymous said...

Read 'The Revenge of Gaia' by James Lovelock. Even if you are stupid enough to believe this rubbish you are writing [which I don't believe for a second] it will at least mean that you can't claim to be living in blissful ignorance of the effect of your choices on the rest of the planet.

JuliaM said...

"Read 'The Revenge of Gaia' by James Lovelock."

Nah, read 'Lord of the Rings' instead, or the latest 'Harry Potter' book.

About as realistic, but much better written... ;)

Mr. Dart said...

Twenty Major made my day. Thank you, sir.

"Read 'The Revenge of the Gaia" ?

Maybe I'll just put on pink panties, tune in Oprah, and stick friggin' knitting needles in my eyes instead. How 'bout you read the Vince Flynn/ Mitch Rapp series, anon while I clean my guns for a hunting trip this weekend in my 4X4. If you're comin' along, jump in, hang on and shut the hell up.

Mike said...

I spent four thoroughly enjoyable years (1985-1989) living in the UK (in John Major's parliamentary district, in fact). During my stay in merry olde England, I came to know and love the British propensity for and toleration of eccentricity. I trust that all of this apocalyptic enviro-nonsense is nothing more than the latest instance of same (although I have been dismayed to see that under Labour governments there has been more legislative action taken on behalf of these kooks and cranks--see, e.g., the fox hunting ban enacted for the benefit of eccentric vermin lovers everywhere).

Anonymous said...

Won't someone please think of the children?

Anonymous said...

He has thought about the children...

He's trying to point out the hysteria surrounding this issue, and telling people to actually THINK.

When there are NINE flaws in Gore's movie, and you have a top climate expert saying global warming caused by man is suspect...

This is like being back in the middle ages when it was said that the earth revolved around the sun. Everyone KNEW that couldn't be true....

Think, people, THINK!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant post Dizzy! If you drive faster you get to your destination quicker and thus use less fuel!! To be serious for a moment why is it that all the envionmentalists are also lefty? Somehow it is just weird that those who claim to be saving the planet are aligned with those who seek to destroy the hand that feeds them. First the church, then the communists/socialists and now environmentalists; all want to destroy what western civilisation has managed to achieve. Bring back the wolves and the plague they cry; twas better then!

Glyn H

Anonymous said...

When folks finally realize global warming is a doomsday cult like those poor sods in California who committed suicide so the UFO could come pick them up, we'll all be a lot better off.

flashgordonnz said...

I am looking forward to drinking english wine, like my ancestors did. But, please, no EU subsidies, guys!

FootInMouthDisease said...

Gidday Dizzy

Glad someone has a *sense of humour* about the end of the world as we know it.

At least we can go down laughing.

Eer .... it is a joke, right? .... Right?

Anonymous said...

Great post Dizzy. I just switched up the heating and opened the windows to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Are you still driving a 4x4 currently Dizzy? Which one?

office 2010 said...

Fab, just fab! Love to see posts that make you feel alive. Too bad we do not get more of these. This made my soul smile….