Saturday, October 13, 2007

Little Mosque on the Prairie?

I can't believe I've managed to miss this one, but it's apparently on Season 3. It's from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and is a Muslim sitcom that really is called Little Mosque on the Prairie - Small town Canada with a Muslim Twist.
The next episode is called "Ban the Burkha" where a mystery woman turns up in the town mosque wearing a full veil. One of the characters thinks it is creepy, whilst one of the female characters finds it oppressive. I always appreciate issues that are dealt with through comedy for some reason.

Now, I wonder if the BBC would be brave enough to buy the show? There are lots of episodes on YouTube if they don't.

Note: Blogging will cease for the next 48 hours as I'm going out.


Kris said...

How about an English version called "The Newham Mega Mosque" where we can have weekly chuckles of the latest terror plot escapades of our crazy new neighbours.

Anonymous said...

What's Anthea Turner doing in it?