Monday, October 15, 2007

Lib Dem MP attacks Cowley Street for being like "Pravda"

This morning the Lib Dem MP for Southport, John Pugh, as launched a scathing attack on the official Cowley Street Lib Dem newspaper for being like "Pravda". Writing on Lib Dem Voice he's asked whether he is the only one that finds it "tribal, patronising, horribly on message in an unliberal way and above all - quite dull?"

All those words could equally apply to the things some Lib Dems are telling political hacks about their elderly leader. Couldn't possibly be the sub-text to the attack could it? Hmmmmm.


anthonynorth said...

I don't see the similarity with Pravda. It WAS read, after all.

Man in a Shed said...

And the point of the Lib Dems is ?

you can't blame the paper when they have such dreadful material to work with ;-)