Sunday, June 17, 2007

Champagne Socialists

Being a Tory you find yourself quite often attacked for your support of capitalism by those on the Left. This is especially the case when it comes to those slightly bizare individuals of the Bennite variety who think they can create a socialist utopia by stealing private property and putting it under the ownership of an elitist state which claims to represent the workers, but actually, in almost all cases, represents their pockets and interests.

This morning, the Daily Telegraph has a fantastic piece about one of these old Bennites, former MP, Reg Race. As an MP, Race was a radical anti-privatisation socialist who accused Tories of lining their own pockets when they sold off state assets. How amusing therefore is it that Race now is the man at the top of an "approved contracter" for the NHS and is raking it in. He's also a big donor to the Labour Party and Alan Johnson's campaign for Deputy Leader. Which is nice.


Anonymous said...

I wonder why they employed him? surely it can't be for access to ministers can it? grubby, grubby, grubby

Nich Starling said...

He stoofd for "New" Labour in 2001 in Chesterfield and lost the seat for Labour. Nuff said.

Chris Paul said...

Hee hee. The idea that he has access to ministers is rather ludicrous. But for the left the govt will be seen as at fault, not those who take jobs with firms who work within the rules. Apart from the far mad left of course.

Anonymous said...

Surely 'contractor' ??