Sunday, June 17, 2007

BBC Report confirms it is institutionally biased

Later on this week, according to the Sunday Times a report is due to be published by the BBC which will confirm what many people have believed for some time. That the BBC is institutionally biased. Some will remeber that I have mentioned in the past Robin Aitken's book, "Can We Trust the BBC" which was an insiders view of what he saw as an institutionalised culture at the BBC which has produced certain default assumptions that the Corporation takes on issues, albeit it subtly.

The BBC report will make similar criticism saying that there is a "tendency to ‘group think’ with too many staff inhabiting a shared space and comfort zone". This, the report will say is leading to a dangerous potential for undermining of its programming because of the shared liberal culture of its staff who do not challenge their own assumptions rigorously enough.


Rachel Joyce said...

What I don't understand is why they are not dealing with this. There was meant to be some kind of acknowledgement behind the scenes of this last year, but then it went quiet. They gave Robin Aitken no air time, in fact if it was not for conservative blogs and Doughty Street, I don't think I would have heard of his book.
In some ways I think they enjoy it. I remember years ago complaining about Jeremy Bowen when he was on breakfast news as he was so blatantly anti-Israeli that it was disturbing. So what do they do? - make him Middle East correspondent!! It almost seems deliberate.

Old BE said...

What will they do to change things: nothing.

Chris Paul said...

On the other hand there is plenty of illiberal and right wing meejah out there. The BBC are against many of the 'outrages' that the liberal right are against - Id cards and internment for example - while also against many of the 'outrages' that the left are against - undermining public services, not building social housing, runaway poverty.

This report sounds like it might be unduly self-hating. On the other hand it may just be getting spun that way.

Anonymous said...

The only thing they aren't against is the Labour Party, and its bias there is stupefying