Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Where's the money coming from?

I may very well be "barking in the wind" as Iain put it earlier, but I have to say I find it a little odd that Hilary Benn is not listed as a registered donee on the Electoral Commission website. Every other deputy leadrship candidate is in the list it seems, but Benn isn't.

Having quickly read what the rules are, it seems that if you receive donations over £200 from permissable donors you have to register them with the Commission (feel free to correct me on that point).

The implication is that Benn has received no donations over £200 for his campaign. Now I freely admit that this could actually be true, but is it likely? Setting up the website, design and building must have cost a tidy sum, and if it was done for free that could possibly consitute a non-cash donation, couldn't it?

Either way it all just seems very odd to me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to be an anorak, but the rules for permissable donees are a little different from those for parties.

Any donation over £200 needs to be verified (and this is cumulative for any individual), but only donations over £1000 need to be declared to the commission. In fact the EC will pretty much refuse to take notifications of anything less than £1000 because they don't want the paperwork.

A quick glance at the other contenders entries will show that no donations under £1000 are recorded.

dizzy said...

OK, still seems odd.

dizzy said...

and I say that because the other contedners have had tens of thousands in donations.

Pogo said...

I don't suppose that he has much need of donations. His mom's loaded and his dad isn't exactly short of a bob-or-two!