Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Political Heroes with the Fink

Danny Finkelstein started a discussion thread the other week asking people to list their political heroes in response to a book being published written by Gordon Brown called Courage in which he lists his political heroes on the basis of their courage.

I've been trying to think myself of who I would put in such a list, and the best I could come up with was Michael Foot. Michael Foot I hear you ask. Well let's be honest, anyone taking the 1983 Labour Manifesto to the electorate and thinking they were going to win had to have courage right? Or maybe just a screw loose?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about Plantagenet Palliser? Driven only by a self-denying desire to serve the public interest; unlobbyable; unswayed by party considerations...

Shame he's only a creation of Trollope's.