Friday, June 01, 2007

Research that states the obvious

I love research papers. You can guarantee that someone, somewhere, will spend their days doing "research" and after months of working on it and writing it they will come out with conclusions that state the bleeding obvious.

Take for example this about a length report into IT design and Public Services. The professor's consuions action point are:
[T]here are now many examples of effective system implementation and also many that have been less successful than anticipated. System effectiveness should be reviewed systematically and openly, and lessons should be learnt. If those lessons arent learnt, future advances will be much slower than desired.

Second, bottom-up studies of actual practice should inform design not to constrain what is possible, but to preserve the best of existing systems and develop a richer understanding of the context into which new systems have to fit.

Third, system commissioning and purchasing mechanisms should ensure that user requirements are considered from the outset and continually through design and deployment.
I do hope the taxpayer didn't pay for this research. Anyone in the private sector could have told you these things in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Private sector? A first year undergrad could have probably told them that.