Is Hilary Benn's run at the deputy leadership now doomed to fail? Not only has he admitted he's "boring" in Independent's "
You Ask the Questions", but he also said his father has given him one of his 1981 "Benn for Deputy" badge for luck.
That's a bit like having Mark Lawrenson predict that your team is going to win. In fairness to Hilary Benn though, he didn't say whether it was for good or bad luck.
Have you got a family then Dizzy? I was told you were grown in a vat into which some old computers parts a Milton Friedman book and a rich sauce of cynisism were thrown.
People say you have no reality in"Meat world"at all.....I think we should be told..
Love the Millipede "moment" what an auto-eroticly inclined young chap he is.What is the language policy round here any hoo. I could have said that a lot quicker ?
Oh I have linked to your blog and intend to peek in
I have a Benn & Heffer 'Just the Ticket' campaign badge... which I paid some Trot £2 for 20 years ago...
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