Monday, February 12, 2007

Frank Field wonders "whats the point of reforming the Lords"?

One Labour MP I have always admired is Frank Field, and I was reminded of this this morning when I read about the Civitas report about welfare dependency under new Labour. Back when I was at university, Frank Field was daring the Labour Party to "think the unthinkable" and end the "culture of dependency", but sadly he was cast aside and ignored by Brown via Blair.

The result is that large swathes of British society are now utterly dependent on hand outs from the state and locked into a system that actively discourages aspiration and social mobility.

However, Frank Field doesn't just stick to social policy, as this motion he's tabled suggests. The motion calls on the Government to ensure that "whatever proposals come forward on House of Lords reform, any indicative vote should include on the ballot paper the option to support the status quo". Ever the small c conservative it seems?


smug said...

Blair's deranged decision to remove the hereditary peers without, hmmm, a real plan should have been an early indicator of what an utter thoughtless whore he is.

Newmania said...

Yes I `ve always like him and his actual proposals were startling as was rthe reasoning behimnd them . If you go back and have aloo its shows you how far to the left we have incrementally drifted

Anonymous said...

I am with Frank on this one. i support teh Status Quo (and nit just cos I like the music!)because it works!

I also have a long piece on supporting the status quo here: