"It’s like—it was like the Special Olympics, or something."Upon reading this I was reminded of the image below which has been around for many years on forums, bulletin boards and IRC. It is usually used in argument by someone not engaged in the argument itself as a kind of "STOP ALREADY! YOUR ARGUMENT IS BORING ME!" moment.

Note: If you think that image is in anyway shocking you've not been Goatse'd or Tubgirl'd on a forum. Whan that happens it takes things to a whole new level of wrong.
UPDATE: Fair point in the comments from Carlos: "A note to all readers...do not feel any need to further investigate goatse or tubgirl. At all. Forget that you ever heard the words. ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE AT WORK.....NSFW"
A note to all readers...do not feel any need to further investigate goatse or tubgirl. At all. Forget that you ever heard the words. ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE AT WORK.....NSFW
Fair point and added to the main post. I should really have said that :)
Point taken, but how depressing. A once repressed minority group leads the world to repress another group. Sigh. BG
Can you imagine the fuss if George W. Bush had made the same comment? The BBC would be repeating it ofr weeks, months, nay years.
Tubgirl is beyond words, I feel soiled.
And lemon party.
Especially do not look for lemon party, definitely NSFW.
http://www.lemonparty.org/ :o)
Watch out, Dizzy.
Dolly's going to have a hissy, when he gets wind of that dreadful image. All the more reason for the complete take-over of teh intarwebs by caring, sharing socialism in these difficult times, aye?
Brace yourself.
Nice to see a photo of Tim Ireland when he was younger!
Fortunately I haven't seen the pic, but I did read a descrption. OMG!!!
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