Have these people never heard of the Internet where they can get oodles of porn for free? I guess if the allegations are true then Jacqui Smith is going to find it ever more difficult. I look forward to the euphemisms that might get used in the House.
As an aside, is it just me or is sex sleaze making a comeback?
They do say a female pig orgasms for one hour. With the porn, and rolling around on wads of ill gotten £20 pound notes Jacqui probably does a bit better.
How does she hold her head up in meetings when her shameful behaviour is common knowledge. I bet when she sits in front of her staff tomorrow they will be hard pressed not to laugh - much biting of lips. Here's the boss whose main home is a room at her sisters and who watches porn with her husband.
It's the dying days of Rome - decadence to the fore. It never fails to amaze me that all "empires" end the same way. First morals, then money then political and military power are debauched.Nowadays of course, we can't make things take longer as it all spins about at such a rate. And spin is the operative word.
He obviously knows all about Government internet snooping!
Only woman on man sex sleaze; makes a change from Labour gay sex sleaze doesn't it?
As an aside, has this Government/the Labour party no shame? They whine on about Tory sleaze, but many Tories resigned for far less than this, forget the past 12 years and the hundreds of much worse revelations.
I'm not a fan of these Marxists. However, it seems like a genuine mistake done in the privacy of their own home. Politicians are human beings too. This wasn't sleazy. They're husband and wife. That's a good thing.
Do remember that this man is stupid enough to write letters to the paper praising his wife, without thinking anyone will put two and two together.
Maybe the fact that he charges his nut-cracking sessions to the ACA suggests she does spend a lot of time at her sister's flat, after all...
"Have these people never heard of the Internet where they can get oodles of porn for free?"
Dizzy I do hope you are not speaking from experience!
What is more alarming is that Mr Jacqui Smith watched 'Ocean's 13' *twice*. I barely kept my eyes open for 'Ocean's 11'.
Youtube has splended renditions of Guy Mitchell doing his old hit song, "There's A Pawnshop On The Corner", one of the all time greats. So while the Cabinets' family TV is doing porn, the rest of us poor so and so's are doing pawn in the strictly old fashioned sense.
I have read in prison reports that I had problems with women in authority figures.
If hubby is having to resort to adult movies for stimulation then it has to be concluded that she is not fit for purpose or he's just sexually frustrated because it's in his nature.
In any event, I have no desire to intrude on their privacy. However, in her public role Jailhouselawyer is out to do a hatchet job on the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and its links with the Home Office and Jacqui Smith. It is not that I have got an axe to grind, I am just concerned as a citizen at the lack of accountability of a private company with so much self assumed control over democracy.
Society, is made up of two types of prison, lawful custody and the unlawful open prison the state and ACPO keeps you in.
Public protection does not require chains on society. That is not liberty. That is not freedom. That is not democracy. It is not justice.
n.b. Check out the comment beneath Cynicl Chatter From the Underworld's post.
"Why would anyone be so stupid as to put an expenses claim in for wanking subscription porno channels when you're married to the Home Secretary?"
Have you seen pictures of the Home Secretary recently?! I'd be polishing my prong all day if I was married to that.
If they weren't an MP the taxman would be over them like a rash for expense claims like that. They are well paid and claim for every penny. I can't claim for travel to and from work.
I think the worst thing, the very worst, is how everybody seems to be trying to spin it out as it is the system that is bad and not the claimants, which is utter crap; they don't have to take full advantage of bad system do they? If I charge £500 an hour to a pensioner for tarmacing their drive it isn't illegal, but it is morally repugnant.
The media need to get a grip on this.
Isn't he also a/her parliamentary aide? Not making it any better but in fact making it a lot worse!
No, sex slease is not on the way back.
All slease is on the front page thanks to ZaNuLab and the publics' feeling of powerlessness in the face of their disconnected, self serving, disrespect for democracy.
The fag end of a ruined and worthless political party.
Time from the tomberau and sharpened blade.
To the abattoir!
sex sleaze is a byproduct of a recession. We need a reason to smile. We need a reason to damn the politicians. :)
Yeah, it definitely making a comeback, but I think it makes a refreshing change.
With the cash and power fiddles it's we the public being battered, at least with the sex sleaze it's within their own little circles.
"As an aside, is it just me or is sex sleaze making a comeback?"
No I was thinking the same thing. I thought just today they seem to be doing their best to emulate the Major government in every way possible.
No one seems to have made the case that Mrs. Smith may have been taking out frustration - that her decaying hide doesn't excite her husband anymore - when she passed all those terrible acts of state control. Magna Carta destroyed because of Pay Per View Pornography!?
Maybe wankgate explains where some of the money went on C-NOMIS.
"...at least with the sex sleaze it's within their own little circles"
Oo-er, missus.
Oh please someone find out that it was dwarf pr0n or shemales. Something really nasty,
Sometimes the satire just writes itself...
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