Unfortunately this sort of thing just doesn't compute for me. The extreme Left is very quick to bang on about the evils of racism or other forms of discrimination and is very supportive of the concept of a "hate crime"; and yet here we have the very same people displaying serious amounts of hate towards someone simply because of their thoughts, and the hate is so much that they're willing to commit attempted murder to stop them?
Ask yourself this question. Which is worse, a marginal political party with bugger all hope of really gaining power and which has policies to benefit only one specific ethnic group; or marginal political parties with bugger all hope of really gaining power that have such hatred they're willing to smash the heads in of another party with a CLAW HAMMER in the name of tackling hatred?
Plays into the BNPs hands. They will use this as propoganda for the European election where they stand a good chance of getting an MEP.
You are right - ignore them, starve them of the publicity. If you engage with them like this you give them a platform.
I don't think they should be ignored. I think their policies should be dissected to show how the end result of them would be an extreme left wing agenda with a racist edge. I mean christ, they used to be in favour of collectivised agriculture - don't know if they still are.
It was ever thus. My first exposure to the SWP was at university when they campaigned to stop some unheard of rightie from speaking on the grounds of hate speech, while simultaneously running a phone-in "If you hate Thatcher, call this number..." I doubt they spent the phone call counselling against hate...
Plays into the BNPs hands. They will use this as propoganda for the European election where they stand a good chance of getting an MEP.
And quite right too, because if this is how the other parties behave, or allow the others to behave, then I think I would prefer the BNP to the others. ALL the other parties would use this type of thing as propaganda, and I wouldn't blame them.
White and Christian...who gives a toss Dizzy if they get what they deserve?
Let's not also forget that many of their policies have been adopted by the other parties. Personally I wish they didn't exist, but their views I find less offensive that those of the marchers in Luton at the beginning of the week.
Why did this not get the publicity of the march in Luton? Where the police at this event? Where are the arrests? The BNP are red socialists, so I would not support them, but it seems to me that the left is a strange bunch.
{Whiny voice on}But the BNP are raaacisttts {whiny voice off}. Fighting racism excuses all actions.
BNP are cunts, SWP are cunts. Simple.
end result of them would be an extreme left wing agenda with a racist edge.
We have that already. The racist part is anti-white.
Wasn't this the work of the UAF?
Nice people eh!
Their spokesman confronted the BNP's Simon Darby (indirectly) on Tommy Boyd's phone in show
What do you make of this: http://twitter.com/KingofShaves Do you think it's an appropriate post?
I tripped across this earlier today.
Guess this is the sort of thing that goes with claw hammers.
Racist Scum repeat after me
Apparently "thought crimes" are far worse than physical ones now.
The Left have never been strong on logic, much less alone tolerance.
When did "hate" become a noun?
Whatever happened to the noun "hatred"?
I'd like to see the anti-hate legislation being used against the left. Likewise the "racially aggravated" extra punishment applied to people like Keith Vaz. Until these one-sided laws are applied to the left, they will continue to pile up legislation against freedom of speech. After all, it's not THEM who suffer.
Family feuds bring out the worst in people.
'As Hayek wrote in 1944 in his brilliant chapter on "the socialist roots of Nazism", the dispute between fascists and socialists is a dispute between brothers.'
teh same time the became teh
I dunno, 'Call me Dave' beating Gorgon round the head with a hammer during PMQs. You can't deny it's appealing.
They had to use a claw hammer because the man with the hook is "out of town".
"Now, whatever one thinks of the white power socialist BNP, is smashing one of them over the head with a claw hammer really a productive way of tackling them? What's more, is smashing to pieces their vehicles with hammers the best way of dealing with them?"
Maybe not - but it is very, very satisfying...
The BNP have my vote i think their policies are just common sense and the Nazi smear campaign is a dumb attempt to keep them down.
Learn your fucking history, you idiots! Every comment I've read so far, apart from those of obvious fascist bastards, is from some whining liberal tosser who thinks that there is some sort of moral equivalence between the violence of the Nazi scum and those who oppose them. The reason Hitler's gang got into power in Germany (and murdered millions with gas, bullets and starvation, a bit worse than hitting one guy with a hammer) is because anti-fascists were not united and determined enough to SMASH them utterly and ruthlessly before the boss class let them into power as a last gasp attempt to save a capitalism in crisis. As we head into a similar situation today, similar dangers arise, and those of us who truly believe in freedom and democracy must be prepared to use whatever means necessary to preserve them.
Was enjoying your blog until I read this entry. "The extreme Left is very quick to bang on about the evils of racism or other forms of discrimination and is very supportive of the concept of a 'hate crime'; and yet here we have the very same people"... WHICH people? which "marginal political party with bugger all hope of really gaining power ... willing to smash the heads in of another party"? Which political party condones attacking BNP members with claw hammers?
There's nothing like turning a small group of violent wackos into a gigantic straw man. Accuracy, please!
Another aspect of the hammer attack on Tony Ward was that it was perpetrated by a black. No big surprise for BNP supporters – after all “elections” in Jamaica are determined to a significant extent by gun battles between rival gangs. Perhaps some liberal can tell us what they most look forward to at election time when Britain has been thoroughly Africanised and Islamised: people being beaten up by Islamic fundamentalist thugs as in Iran, or people being shot, as in Jamaica. Or perhaps they prefer starving the electorate as in Zimbabwe. As it says on (p.7) of “Introducing Islam to non-Muslims” (by A.H.Sakr and H.K.Al-Hussein): “It is important to mention that the principle of democracy defined as the majority ruling is not approved in Islam”
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