The second story is about a Tory MP, with bugger all actual power, that happens to visit the same yacht and decides not to accept a donation from the same dodgy Kremlin-linked billionaire Russian. The second story is, at least at the moment, considered much bigger than the first. Both are of course important, but one involves the possible corruption of power; the other involves (currently at least) the rejection of the corruption of potential power. Funny old world huh?*
However, even more strange today is that the Commentariat seem to have bought the line that this is really just the result and consequence of George Osborne breaking the Calabrian code of omertà. Poor old Nathanial Rothschild is miffed at the outrageous breach of etiquette. Well do excuse this little old prole passing comment from the floor, but that's bollocks.
This is nothing to do with etiquette it's about politics plain and simple. George Osborne (the tit) decided, rather stupidly, to start gossiping about Mandelson (also a tit) not realising that he too could come under the spotlight when Mandelson decided to hit back. The idea that Nathanial Rothschild didn't receive a phonecall from someone doesn't just smell like bullshit, it looks like it too when you consider little boy Rothschild has changed his story three times.
Of course, what Osborne and Mandelson should really be worried about is not the way the story is unfolding in their little spat against each other with the whole "he said, she said". What should be concerning them both is if the Russian billionaire himself decides to intervene and push the story along in some way.
After all, given his well placed link and influence in the Kremlin and Putin, it is not inconceviable that the Queen K, Oleg Deripaska’s yacht, was bugged. This story could yet take a dramatic turn and, to paraphrase Alastair Campbell, "fuck them", nay, "fuck them royally". The Cold War isn't over, it just changed it shape and our politicians have taken their eyes off the ball and become complete idiots.
* this observation was provided by "john miller" in a comment.
Osborne must be wishing that he'd never raised the issue this morning.
BBC's breathlessness on this leaves a bad taste in the mouth, especially as they have underplayed Mandy's involvement, but Osborne giving a flustered live press conference didn't help.
Nick Robinson, on being asked what GO actually did wrong, keeps referring to his "judgement" in being present when the possibility of a (legal) donation via British companies was mooted. This is in fact almost wholly circular - what he means is that GO lacked judgement because his action meant that the likes of Nick Robinson could attack him for lack of judgement.
All beautifully orchestrated by Mandy and Campbell. The boys are back in town...
I forecast "The beginning of the end of the BBC", but agree Osborne has been a royal twat. Unlikely he's going to be invited into any other rich club anytime soon.
Labour should be careful what they wish for. With Osbourne out of the way, the way is clear for a an effective Shadow Chancellor who can properly take them to task.
Don't think they want to get the Russians involved...
The way this story is being handled shows the gross bias in the whole media, particularly the BBC.
I WILL shortly be writing to the BBC to explain why I will no longer be paying their propaganda tax and that they can pay the £40,000 to put me in jail instead. At least the jails will be heated this winter.
The number of people on my 'need to be killed in as painful a manner as possible' list has increased since yesterday.
Yep that yacht would almost certainly be bugged, not by the Kremlin though but by the owner.
You think the Kremlin and Oligarchs are not the same thing?
Rothschild has got the strangest sense of decent behaviour. His answer to Osborne's breaking the omerta is to break it himself... hardly a great point of principle then, surely?
Dizzy's right - it's pure politics.
Oh, dear.
So when does Mandy turn on Brown? Can't be long, I think!
It's not the bugging device George should be worried about. It's the photos and videos that could prove to be more embarrasing.
The point you don't get is that should Osborne come into office, Deripaska (and as you rightly infer Putin) will have him over a barrel because of his lack of judgement in leaving such a trail. Deripaska as a witness is also in a position to corroborate Rothschild's claim.
I share your dislike of the company which Mandelson keeps - but the difference is that he has shown enough discretion not to be beholden to them.
Osborne really has no alternative now but to give a full account of what was said at his meetings with Deripaska - at present he has only refuted Rothchild's accounts.
See your first comment is from a Draper prat! Must be some sort of honour for you Dizzy?
Strange that McShane is not saying that Rothschild should be arrested. If he thinks Osborne is guilty, then Rothschild is far guiltier because he proposed the whole thing and made the introductions.
I doubt it was bugged, chances are they were all banging each other if you ask me.
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