takes the approach of "oh you need something, we know you really need it, we know you're in a country where you don't speak language, please give me the shirt off your back and I will consider selling it to you".
A fiver that bloody thing cost. I am vaguely reminded of the episode of the Young Ones where they are appearing on University Challenge and have to get a train. Viviene gets some cups of tea and tells Rick it cost a fiver. "Five pounds for an empty paper cup?" says Rick. "Well it had sugar in it" is the response. Of course I don't begrudge them fleecing me, it's quite a poor country really, and membership of the EU doesn't seem to have helped them very much. Funny that.
Dizzy, I hope you chill out today and have a good Easter.
And do the locals pay those prices? Do they all grow beards, are there disposable razor merchants driving around in vats limousines, or could there perhaps have been a shop-that's-not-very-far-away-but-just-far-enough-that-you-wouldn't-want-to-waste-valuable-holiday-time-looking-it?
Consider it a valuable service.
Every half decent hotel I have stayed in (as well as some of lesser salubrity) provide free razors along with the soap and toewels. Suggest you have a chat with (or change) your travel arranger. Alternatively, prepare yourslf a properly equipped travel toilet bag.
Vyvyan. Viviene - sounds like a high class hooker.
No, no, no. 'Vivienne' sounds like a high class-hooker. The others sound like some sort of expensive bottled water or shower gel to me.
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