Yes, you did just see the Morning Star in that list. A newspaper which, according to a BBC report has a whopping great circulation of 13,000 to 14,000. There are local rags with better circulation but they don't get shown. Hell I imagine some UK political blogs have more readers too. It's all very odd.
Update: A comment was left suggesting that maybe blog headlines should be on Newsnight. May I just say that I think that is a universally stupid idea on par with making a root password, password.
Well what was the front page story? I don't think they use it on a regular basis.
Maybe it was an attempt to get the right all worked up!?
You are right, I noticed that. Is it like the fifth panellist on Question time? Does it rotate? Tonight it was the bloke from Blur who was enthralling to watch , through my fingers , in the way of a Kangaroo tree climbing.One is faintly impressed that that they do it at all but the mismatch between task and equipment is a source of agony both for the observer and roo (true..they do)
BTW Dizzy I came across this and I thought I would share it
Main Entry: dizzy
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: flighty
Synonyms: asinine, capricious, changeable, crazy, empty-headed, fatuous, featherbrained, fickle, foolish, frivolous, giddy, harebrained, heady, inane, light-headed, scatterbrained, silly, skittish, unstable
Antonyms: intelligent, poised, rational
Whats in a name eh?
Never mind the distraction, the so-called star attraction failed to shine. He let bloggers down. The MSM chorus girl Steve Richards upstaged him and stole the show. Snipers should stay under cover. Here endeth his second lesson.
So what Dizzy. I watch Newsnight every night and the Morning Star is very rarely quoted.. Make a positive contribution and suggest that Newsnight highlight blogs at the end of the programme. You never know it may happen
Errr so nothing Howard. It's called a "comment" I aw the Morning Star and thought "WTF?" and posted it on my website.
Newmania, the blog was original called "Dizzy Shit".
Hey Dizzy how did you know my previous employers root password?
My root password is Beetroot..? I changed it from parsnip as I cana't stand them.
Stop it.
Everyone knows a root password should be root.
Or if you're really looking for security, root1.
Maybe the Morning Star wasn't as mean as all the other papers about Hain?
My comment on blogs being quoted on Newsnight was tougue in check and a bit of irony. Funny when I was writing it, I thought it would make you react as you did. Are you arrogant or what?
What does it say at the top of the page?
I think you'll find that those are then newspapers which are provided ever day to all Cabinet Ministers (and also I believe to HM the Q) wherever they may be in the world.
So it makes some sense for the Beeb to use the same list.
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