Sunday, December 16, 2007

Not good reading for Brown

This morning's newspapers don't make nice reading for Gordon Brown. The Independent on Sunday is musing upon a possible "winter of discontent" for Brown. The Mail on Sunday says Brown is facing a "spring revolt" if the local elections go badly. One unnamed Labour MP is quoted comparing Brown to Anthony Eden.

Cash for Peerages has raised its head again in the Observer. The Sunday Times says Brown is in a "crisis of morale" and a YouGov poll puts the Tories on 45% compared to 32% for Labour. And the Sunday Mirror reports that the head of North Wales police says the Government are "shabby and dishonourable".


Anonymous said...

I cant stop smiling the damn fool plotted and schemed to unseat blair believing himself superior only to find he is a failure with a fecal touch.
I would pay good money to be the person who hands him the sunday papers.

Anonymous said...

Finally, after more than a decade, the press is giving NuLab what it deserves. And as NuLab's only reason for existence was to get good press, it pretty much stands condemned. I hope they move themselves leftward after a devastating election defeat in 2009 or 2010, meaning that the next Labour PM will now be studying for his A-levels.

Anonymous said...

The voice of the people on BBC's Have Your Say is indicative of the public mood on Broon's act of treason in signing the EU Constitution (in all but name).

Apologies for spamming sections of the first few most recommended comments, Dizzy, but these are surely as important as those in the press.

Around 90% of the many of comments to this (censored) topic - which the BBC quickly shuffled off to the sidelines - mirror the following views:

"Gordon Brown should have his head on a spike on Tower Bridge for this act of treason
They lied. I demand the Queen absolve parliment and hold a general election NOW.
Two world wars were fought, and now we have given it all away without a shot being fired.
Tonight, we will go to sleep in a province of a dictatorship lead empire.
Labour party are Traitors to the country and shpuld be arrested under treason laws now.
I am not, and never will be a citizen of Europe.
I am begging the free nations of the World to come and rescue the British from our dictators...
We have been sold down the river by these lily livered TRAITORS.
He is too embarassed to be recorded for posterity signing our lives away
our government are a gang of dishonest liars....We were promised a referendum - where is it? Buried under a mountain of deceit [by the] criminals who run the country.
NuLabour has led us into one disaster after another...This country has never had it so bad.
totally discredited at home, he is now a laughing stock amongst other European leaders. Well done Mr Bean
Gordon has nothing but contempt for the people he governs.
our leaders have sold us down the river.
He's reneged on his promise to the British people
Today is the day when the Government commits Treason against the Country, its people and its Monarchy.
Hang your heads in shame.
The greatest constitutional change since the Act of Union has been agreed today with absolutely no participation (let alone approval) by the general population.
Why does everything have to be in the interests of Europe? What happened to the interests of BRITAIN?
We should have a referendum.Brown has failed us again
bitterly ashamed of the fact that in 1997 I voted labour...Gordon Brown is a for a vote of no confidence in this joke of a man,He must go now.
We are as corrupt as any banana republic
Another step closer to a totalitarian state
Why do liberal elite think that they are of superior intellect and that therefore their opinions are the only one that counts.
this treaty is illegal.
..No wonder we're the laughing stock of the whole planet.
A traitor and a gutless coward!!
the government will have defrauded the British public out of their democratic right to decide.
How can we stop it?"

Auntie Flo'

Anonymous said...

War time heroism and fighting for freedom: it's an old, overused and clichéd story but it's the story of so many families in this island of ours.

My father, when a young man in his early twenties, was twice wounded as he fought alongside millions of other, equally heroic yet equally ordinary and frightened, young men for our country's freedom and independence.

My dad, an artist and life long pacifist, who'd never held a gun in his life before WW2 basic training, became one of Montie's desert rats and was one of the last to leave the beaches at Dunkirk.

While desert rats, dad and his best friend were both badly injured by a shell blast and were mistakenly left behind when their unit made a rapid retreat.

When they regained consciousness, my dad, with gaping wounds down his back and legs, and his friend, blinded and with lacerated arms and hands, crawled to an abandoned lorry and somehow managed to drive themselves miles to get medical attention. My dad couldn't move his legs, so he navigated while his blind friend drove.

At home in England, my mother, was one of many thousands of other ordinary young teenaged girls who were doing extraordinary things too for the civil defence of our country. From the age of 19, my mother drove an ambulance - throughout the war and all through the Blitz - and coped with the terrible carnage of many hundreds of bombings in London. One time she had to be dug out of the rubble of a house which was bombed.

Most of these young men and women who sacrificed their youth and risked their lives for our island's freedom and independence must either be wondering why they bothered, or, revolving in their graves at Gordon Brown's traitorous betrayal of our country.

We surely owe it to all of them - and to ourselves - to fight the liar Gordon Brown and this heinously undemocratic EU dictatorship with every ounce of energy and patriotism we have.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...13:53:00 We surely owe it to all of them - and to ourselves - to fight the liar Gordon Brown and this heinously undemocratic EU dictatorship with every ounce of energy and patriotism we have.

And your first act in this noble fight is to post anonymously on a blog, plonker. What's your second act going to be, a pint down the local where you can bore the arse off the punters who don't give a rats about what bloody treaty has or hasn't been signed, grow up. Folk just don't care, they are more worried about running out of food over Christmas that this media crap.

Anonymous said...

Dizzy, you forgot (or didn't know yourself) the Sunday Herald in Scotland reporting the results of a TNS System 3 poll. Those FOR independence for Scotland is now up to 40%.
Keep up the good work Gordon!

Manfarang said...

You don't know what the word dictatorship means.

Anonymous said...

Had it not been for the bravery of the people you so easily deride (notwithstanding whether or not you may/may not be right)you would today be speaking fluent German or maybe Russian and working in some collective farm somewhere instead of sitting at home in front of the telly with your co-op rum and holey socks. I think you may need to revise your history lessons.

Anonymous said...

Political Betting has looked at this over the last 24 hours. Everyone I speak to keeps saying that Labour will never get rid of Brown before the next election, but my attitude is why wouldn't they?

Anonymous said...

grumpy granny and grandad said...
Forget the past, no one cares about this treaty. I don't have a clue what it's about and not a soul I know does either, we just don't care enough. The press and the blogs use it to have a go at Gordon that's all. I defy you to ask any of your friends what it is about the new treaty they disagree with. If you get more than a blank look I'll stop buying Co-op rum. The grumpy granny bit don't wash pet, I'm 65 and still get annoyed when a load of folk who don't care about who died 60 odd years ago wear a bloody poppy. But the two minutes silence is the biggest load of piffle, what do you think the good folk are thinking about during this bit of theatre,it ain't dead soldiers I'll bet. What do you think about, now tell the truth.

dizzy said...

I'm usually thinking about how old people should be all shot at birth.

Anonymous said...

Socks etc: Grandad and I are both also 65 and what we think about during that 2 minutes are the poor sods (including several members of our families) who got blown to bits trying to keep the British Isles British, something that this evil government has now badly damaged. Oh, and by the way, the poppy is not simply for the two world wars but for all service people who died in the service of their country, including those this week in Iraq and Afghanistan who were sent by your lousy government for no good reason.

People may not be familiar with the detail of this - or any other treaty for that mtter - but they do know that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of them do not like the torrent of crap that is pouring out of Brussels which adversely affects their daily lives. English common law is completely different from the continental methods and is generally considered superior in most aspects of general fairness and decency. The endless interfering and unwanted legislation issuing from self-serving, unelected and probably corrupt officials and politicians in Brussels (hence the inability to sign the accounts off for the past 13 years) is having more and more effect on the way the UK is now being governed - and no thanks to that gravy train riding champagne socialist windbag Kinnock, who was supposed to be in charge of sorting all that sort of thing out, but simply took the easy way out and fired the messenger instead of doing what he was paid vast sums of your and my money to do. The UK is now little more than a provincial region of Europe which is something neither I nor millions of others voted for when all this started. Even 65 year old rum drinkers should be able to discern that the future is bleak, and that my (and your, if you have any) grandchildren are the ones who are going to be paying the price.

PS: I am not your pet, you patronising tit; nevertheless, gramps and I wish you a very happy Xmas and a comfy new year. xx

Tapestry said...

Head of North Wales Police is known for using speeding fines as a source of tax revenue.

North Wales has the highest level of speeding fines per driver in the UK. He might like to examine his own motivations before accusing others of shabbiness.

Anonymous said...

grumpy granny said..what we think about during that 2 minutes are the poor sods.
Just spare them two minutes a year then do you ? I don't need to be told when to think about those who died. I also don't need to wear a bloody flower to remind me of wars past, present and still to come. I was not being patronising you old fart, I was ridiculing you and your idiotic comments. You wish me a merry Xmas, why would you do that ? of course it's the 25th December that's when we're nice to one another. I'm nice to folk all year round, but I do so love taking the piss on blogs like this, and out of people like you.

Anonymous said...

Mikey baby,
Me and him might be old farts but at least we still care about our country, retain our faculties and do not have shit for brains. Shame you really are too bloody thick to see what a mess this country is in and are incapable of producing any other argument except taking the piss as you so elegantly put it. You are no longer worth talking to.

Over and out.

Anonymous said...

grumpy granny said...You are no longer worth talking to.
Lost the Christmas spirit then blossom ?