Saturday, April 14, 2007

Miliband leadership supporters blog?

Have just spotted that a new blog have been launched by one of the members from LabourHome who thinks that Miliband should run and wants to show support on the web. The blog is called, in a rather cliche way, There is an Alternative.

However, given the Evening Standard's straw polling research yesterday I'm not sure it's worthwhile. For those that didn't see it, basically the ES spoke to southern constituency Labour Party organisations and found that Miliband had little support in them, and the Brown was far more popular.

I wonder how long the new blog will actually last?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention.

The straw poll, although disappointing, is certainly not a comprehensive study of support in the party.

Constituency Branch Officers (who seem to be the only ones contacted) are not like ordinary members - we all remember how differently the active members and armchair members voted in the Lib Dem Leadership elections.

Plus MPs and Trade Union members change the picture even more.

David Cameron and Chris Hulme have both shown what can happen when a few people begin to wonder if the frontrunner can cut it.