The rumour mill in the lobby is running apace that Liam Fox, the Shadow Defence Secretary is going to be, shall we say, "moved". According to some lobby sources he's not seen as a team player anymore, and allegedly Steve Hilton rarely has a good word to say about him.
I imagine, if the rumours are true, that his lacklustre response at the beginning of the week to Des Browne's apology won't have played in his favour. I've yet to read a flattering or positive report of his performance in the chamber.
Such a move would certainly stamp Cameron's authority on the shadow cabinet, but there would probably be a little bit of brief fallout in the wider-party given he was a former leadership contender and only missed out on standing against Cameron himself by a handful of MP votes.
He strikes me as a neocon-artist anyway so 'good riddence'.
Osborne needs to go too. The Times' pensions stuff has carried him thus far - I can't remember one thing he's done for ages though.
Put Boris into defense. At least the troops will have summink to laugh at
Osborne is doing fine.
After ~ 5 previous Shadow Chancellors had a go Brown's reputation is now crumbling. Osbrone is building credibility in the City and has avoided irresponsible policy commitments. He's a reasonable media performer as well.
Both the Telegraph & the Mail had positive coverage of Fox's performance. It would be a mistake to move him except to promote him. His work on energy security has been excellent.
Didn't you read Dale fibbing and say that Browne got shown up? I thought Fox Made a Smelly Arse of Himself as foxes tend to do. With his claim of equivalence for Lord Carrington's resignation for setting in train a 900 death, 1800 wounded, 11,400 prisoner conflict with er, getting 15 silly sailors out unscathed and letting them spill no beans at all to the press. Fox is an idiot. Steve is correct on this at least. But looking like a lightweight overall.
Has anyone got a vid of Fox when asked if he'd ever told a political lie? His expression and body language was priceless as he snuck off!
Simon: How about his work on NATO kicking countries out and other gaffes? Imagine, you lot could have had him as Leader!!
Tim Montgomerie won't be pleased.
Fox is the only voice which is alerting to the rearmament going on in Iran, Russia and China and making intelligent and much needed noises in support of the armed forces - in any party.
He was sidestepped in the leadership battle by a false promise on the EPP, which persuaded many eurosceptics to back cameron, and a media campaign alleging him to be gay.
Small wonder that the Cameroons see in Fox the man who could unseat Cameron when he stumbles.
They will do all they can to push him down as they go about eliminating eurosceptics from the European delegation, and establishing Cameron as one who will do business with the EU.
The media are falling into line criticising his parliamentary performances, on cue, just as reliably as they published false rumours about Fox prior to Cameron's leadership victory.
Politics is a filthy business, and Fox stands out as the only one who refers back to principles, convictions not to mention today's ultimate taboo, reality. No wonder the purveyors of falsehood and image want him reduced.
Dave should light the fuse-and retire!
Doubt if even Dyke supporting Bullingdon Dave is that stupid.
However-members voting rights,Dyke,women only lists-why not throw another can of petrol on the fire?
Liam Fox is exactly the kind of down to earth personality the Conservatives need... Already the press are starting to put the spotlight on the background of Cameron and his closest aides, a world of unimaginable privilege unknown to the majority of ordinary Britons. Cameron hasn't a clue what it's like in the real world; public school, Oxford, high flying media job - 'connections' probably helped there, before embarking on a career in politics. Liam Fox, by contrast, was brought up on a council state and has years of service for the NHS.
If Fox and Davis go and the next Conservative govt looks more and more like an old boys network of the public school/Oxford club I'll be staying at home election day...
If DC moves Fox then he runs the risk of a significant split on the right. DC may have promised something on the EPP during the leadership election but he has done stuff all about it so far and the right won't take him getting rid of their man lying down.
To get rid of Fox would be extremely foolish, as Anon 10.39pm quite rightly says, Fox is down to earth and I dont know anyone in the party that doesnt like him (even if they dont always agree with him) the same cannot be said for our dear leader. If Fox goes anywhere it will be more than just Tombestone that go ape sh*t about it.
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