Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cabinet Office says civil servants are thickos?

It's been a while since a press release really caught my eye, but this morning the Cabinet Office has issued one which just made me think.... WTF? The release boldly stats that,
"Leaders across central government today, Wednesday 18 April, made a commitment that every eligible employee will be helped to gain basic skills and a level two qualification (broadly equivalent to 5 GCSEs at grades A*-C). This commitment covers over 475,000 people working to deliver public services in nineteen departments."
Pardon my rampant cynicism, but what that says to me is that they employ a load of thickos. Given all the "not fit for purpose" cock-ups one might actually consider that to be true.

Perhaps they should really look at changing their recruitment practices instead? Presumably as they up skill all these employees to a 5 GCSE at A*-C they're all going to leave anyway for bigger and better things and you're back to square one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Classic cynical Nulab media bollox Dizzy. A huge proportion of those public servants will already have met or far exceeded that education criteria but big numbers look good. As a military man I have seen lots of Mod civil servants and most of them are at least ok, some are good and a handful are truly outstanding. The number really being targetted here is in the small 10s of thousands but hey, where's the headline in that?

Another broad lie from a government whos first, second and third instincts are to lie.