Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ECHELON, the Wilson Doctrine and an MP's question

An interesting set of questions from Oliver Heald have appeared this morning regarding the Wilson Doctrine. Heald asked Blair whether the doctrine "applies to the use of the ECHELON by the UKUSA Community."

Now technically ECHELON doesn't exist, but most people - certainly in the technology community - know that it does. The real question is how advanced it really is a part of signals intelligence.

Anyway, Blair's answer was interesting as he simply referred back to a written statement he made on the doctrine back in March 2006. That statement made no mention of the doctrine being applied to ECHELON and UKUSA signals intelligence, so I guess it's fair to assume that the doctrine doesn't apply.

To be honest i wouldn't expect it would apply anyway, and I think it's a fairly safe assumption that listening goes on in ECHELON big five community. The real question for me is why did Heald ask? Was he just causing trouble and looking for some shift in positioning, who does he have suspicion that some MPs have been tapped?

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