Monday, November 13, 2006

Web 3.0 is here... somebody pass me a razor!

There is a worrying development in the technology world, at time whent he phrase "Web 2.0" makes a teeth grinder amongst techies, the fluffy talkers have gone one step further and coined a new phrase. Web 3.0. Yes, we're moving on.

According to an article in the NY Times the next big thing is the "semantic web" or Web 3.0. Apparently it's all wrapped around the difference between "web documents" and "web data" and plans to use AI to generate recommendations, predictions and answer free form text questions.

Of course, this sort of thing has been a goal of developers, especially search engine developers for years. It is nothing new at all, and it doesn't deserve it's own name as if it is somehow "new".

I hate it when marketing people get their hands on a simple idea and make it sound poncy.

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