Monday, November 13, 2006

Political opinions

I've just discovered a site called Political Opinions which appears to aggregate a vast majority of all the UK political blogs out there in an inteface that is easy to read and use. It's quite possible I'm horrendously behind the times in discovering the site, but I thought I would plug it anyway.


Anonymous said...

We can see your cock ups on their cached version though :)

dizzy said...

If you;re referring to this "Amusingly they have the Adam Smith Institute blog down as Lib Dems." It was fixed by the author after I emailed him. Obviously all my other cock-ups are there though.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed scrolling through the sites, it's a useful reference tool too, thanks for pointing it out. I see one of your posts is listed high up on the favourites too!

Praguetory said...

The caching element is irritating, however, one drunken post was removed by me in time for it not to be there.

Anonymous said...


Just saw your comments about the Political Opinions site. I'm glad your finding it useful and hope that as I add additional features it becomes even more so.

The points being made about caching are very good ones. As a result of the experiences you are having I've changed the way the site works slightly. Posts will now be updated if they change on the blog, that way the latest version of the article should be displayed.

