Sunday, November 19, 2006

McDonalds starts to sell halal burger in Melbourne

Two McDonalds in Melbourne have managed to double their sales by selling Halal burgers. For anyone wondering what that actually means, it means the cow was killed facing Mecca and slowly bled to death whilst being blessed. Unsuprisingly, animal rights people think it's all terribly nasty and a barbaric way to kill an animal you intend to eat.

There does appear to have been some backlash to the changes though, some people have thrown the argument on it's head and saying, "Just as a Muslim would not want to eat anything that isn't halal, I should have my rights to eat normal, ordinary food that hasn't been blessed". Frankly, I think that's just an argument for argument sake, if you're not a Muslim what should it matter how they killed the animal you're eating?

Bottom line in this story is that these two McDonalds outlets have doubled their sales by doing that which their immediate market dictates. As the late Milton Friedman said, "the business of business is business". They doubled their sales, good work I say.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of doing a PR profile on McDonalds for my diploma, this might be useful, many thanks, if you see any more, then please let me know.

CityUnslicker said...

sorry Dizzy. Elle Maccy D's are advertising for a new PR person and new UK marketing maanger. You should appy then you will learn loads for your diploma.

otherwise Dizzy is right. Let people do what makes them money. History has proved this is the best route to happiness for all.

Anonymous said...

According to research by a German university on humane methods of slaughtering, stunning the animal hit on the head with a big iron bolt (to apparently render them semi-conscious and easy to handle before chopping off thier heads) can be unsafe as stun bolts have a tendency to smash the skull and push the brain matter into the blood stream where by it has a chance to get into your food, i.e. which lead to 'Mad Cow'.

Halal is similar to the Jewish method (Kosher) where the arteries are cut, allowing blood to flow out and as measured by the research experiment, this showed a pattern similar to 'going to sleep'.

The reason being that the person performing halal slaughter is trained to only cut the arteries and not the spinal cord and nerves which are the pain receptors, which the research experiment showed lessens the pain of the animal.

Secondly, after stunning the animals head is severed instantly which causes cardiac arrest and the blood instead of being pushed out of the animals body stays in the meat, while in halal slaughtering, only the arteries are cut, while the heart is still pumping blood out of the body so that you don't consume it, hence you get a better taste of meat (kosher or halal).

Lesson learned !

Posted by: Dr. William Price at November 25, 2006 03:16 PM

Anonymous said...

Where is the worlds greatest burger store? Does it exist? and if so was it created for the people by the people? Well we are trying to create it and I appreciate your personal thoughts on the subject

Could I ask a quick favour and have you click the below link and fill out a quick 10 question survey?

Also if you have the time could you please send the link onto your friends.

Your help is much appreciated for the good of burgers!


Flipped man

Stephen said...

Research showed that halal (Zabeha) is the best way of killing the animal, and it allows the heart to pump the blood out of the body with will give you a safer and healthier meat. Besides, there are millions of Muslims that can be everyday customers of McDonald's if they offer Halal food. Hope McDonalds offer halal burgers in all over the world.

Anonymous said...

kenapa ko ni jumud sangat? kena be open minded la sikit. jgn jd mat salleh yg takde ilmu. anyway thanks for your article.