Thursday, April 02, 2009

The G20 is here! Will Obama ask Gordon this?

Over the past couple of weeks have received quite a few questions for the G20 that should be asked and have been geberated at the Labour website. So to celebrate the G20 here is my favourite, however I seem to have deleted the email that it came with so can't say who did it. Sorry.


Oldrightie said...

I'm having a sense of humour failure over this bloody summit, Dizzy. Well done for a tiny lift!

davidc said...

yesterday (wednesday) guido had an post about m.p.'s expenses with an adjacent ad from john lewis for washing machines and tumble driers which come with a two year free guarentee !

Rush-is-Right said...

Hey Dizzy!

I did that one! A hat-tip would have been nice!

Rush is Right

dizzy said...

Did you not read the bit that said:

"however I seem to have deleted the email that it came with so can't say who did it. Sorry."

Rush-is-Right said...

Whoops. Sorry.