Thursday, April 09, 2009

Conjugal Harmony?

I'm assuming this dating website is a joke.
All The Sex, None of The Nagging!

Are you tired of wondering if she’s cheating on you? Do you love to leave the toilet seat up? Want to enjoy freedom on the weekend and watch a little football with your buddies, rather than work on your “honey do” list? Well, now you don’t have to worry any of that with the latest craze in adult dating, dating and marrying inmates for conjugal visits. With a conjugal marriage, you will finally have a wife with the perfect amount of freedoms and rights, and more importantly, you will finally start enjoying your own.

Browse our inmates and find a little of your own conjugal happiness today!
If it's not a joke then it pure genius.
Note: Labeled as "Friday Fun" because it is notionally Friday in the working week. Yay!


Oldrightie said...

A Government web, this. We're the inmates.

Sue said...

A real bunch of honey's with nice sweet names like Chopper :)