Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Australian Government bans Wikileaks

The Asutralian Government's Internet filtering to stop its citizens looking at things it does not liek has apparently added Wikileaks to its banned website blacklist.

The hilarious thing is that Wikileaks contained the leak that it had been banned stating "The first rule of censorship is that you cannot talk about censorship." Oh yes, and if you link to Wikileaks from Australia you can be fined $11,000. Nice!


Anonymous said...


WV=undamble, undammable?

Anonymous said...


Trend Shed said...

This form of censorship sounds right up Gordon Brown's street.

Anonymous said...

And what happens if you link to a page that links to Wikileaks?

Anonymous said...

Just have to ask them to link to Dizzy's latest post via a proxy instead then.

I guess Tor might become a decent thing to have down under too.

Tom said...

"things it does not liek"

Like mudkipz?

Anonymous said...

All from the Australian Labour government!

Expect Gordon to take a step further by banning all wordpress and blogger domains.

Not a sheep said...

Have you seen the Wikipleaks Barclays documents? Is it legal to link to them from a UK blog? Is it legal to even mention them?

Anonymous said...

Is Wikileaks down for everyone else here, too?

Not working for me through a proxy, either...