I see Derek Draper got rightly stitched up by Guido
last night and
this morning for having a CV that was less than clear about where he actually went and studied. Derek's
defence as well is rather amusing because he's quibbling over the use of "at" and "in" when put with Berkeley as a town version a collage [sic].

Here's the thing that I guess Derek doesn't get it, it's all about that little thing called perception again. By omitting to tell people that he went to some
Institute rather than UC Berkeley in the way he did he has, as
Iain noted, done the classic of "I went to University in Oxford" when he really went to Oxford Poly but is playing on the name for prestige.
It's a bit like me saying that I spent some time at Eton College when I was younger. It's not a lie, I stayed there for three days and took the Kings Scholarship and Assisted Places (scrapped under Labour) exams and didn't get in, but if I didn't tell you that bit you'd never know.
What I remain confused about though is Draper saying he has an M.A in Clinical Psychology. Surely
clinical psychology would be an MSc rather than a Master of Arts?
Once a bullshitter always a bullshitter?
Straight from the Jeffrey Archer School of Autobiography.
The clinical psychology bit is misleading too - in the UK Clinical Psychologist is a protected title that requires a Doctorate degree. An MA in Clinical Psychology isn't recognised in the UK as a clinical psychology qualification and although not specific in claiming to be a clinical psychologist, DDs bio certainly infers it. Very dodgy indeed.
The Wright Institute do not appear to offer an MA in Clinical Psychology but in Counselling Psychology so which "c" word is it then?
A perfect illustration of the old adage that you can't polish a turd!
UC Berkley
UCLA is another college - also part of the University of California but in LA.
"What I remain confused about though is Draper saying he has an M.A in Clinical Psychology. Surely clinical psychology would be an MSc rather than a Master of Arts?"
. . .and as such, exactly how qualified is he to be counselling people with mental health issues?
As an aside, judging by that photo of Dolly in The Mail today, "Who ate all the pies? isn't such a daft question afterall!
This website
announces it has made a formal complaint and points out the protected status of 'clinical psychology'.
I think he is in breach of his governing bodies ethical code, this is a very serious matter. Derek Draper treats patients and is required to uphold high ethical standards as part of his responsibility to them.
Psycologists? I recall one interviewing me in prison and I was not confident of her capabilities because she had to keep referring to her text book The ABC of Psychology to find out how next to proceed. When I read her report she concluded: "Mr Hirst shows no remorse for those he has litigated against"!
Then there was the Senior Psychologist, with a whole string of letters after his name. His report began: "Whilst Mr Hirst is legitimately entitled to legally challenge the prison authorities...". And he concluded: "However, because the prison staff have negative attitudes towards him, therefore I recommend that Mr Hirst undertake a Thinking Skills Course"!
I would dearly love for Mr Draper to assess me. Psychologists? I eat 'em for breakfast!
Dizzy: I used to wind them up, for example, when asked: "Why do you always answer a question with a question?", I would reply: "I don't. Do I?".
Seems that our man may have signed up for the doctoral course at the Wright Institute but, somehow, ended up with a master's after 3 years of full time study.
In every case that I'm aware of, this only happens if your thesis fails to reach the required standard for the award of a doctorate in which case DPsych(failed) should be on the brass plate outside your office.
Spill the beans Mr D. Is this true? Did you fail your finals and, if so, is this the first time?
The Wright Institute do a PhD in Clinical Psychology but the MA (which Draper says he has) is a part-time (weekends only) degree in Counselling Psycholgy and is designed for marriage counsellers and the like. The institution and its degrees are quite legitimate.
Quite why Mr Draper wanted one of these degree for practice in this country is a little beyond me. In any case if he has a qualification in counselling it hardly qualifies him to enter the field of clinical psychology - at least one would think so.
The Earl of Dizzy, studied at Eton (for three days). Dizzy is now a sporadic writer for the Times, and for one afternoon a year "lives" (Read: visits) at Blenheim Palace.
What a fool Draper is. But I find it amusing how Guido is working himself into such a frenzy about this. Convicted drunk-driver, bankrupt and drug-taker gets on high horse about someone else exaggerating on their CV? And we think politicians are hypocrites...
What's wrong with taking drugs?
There's nothing intrinsically wrong with taking drugs. I was just giving another example of Guido breaking the criminal law in the past (whether or not I agree with that law is immaterial to my point). The comparison between law-breaking and CV-stretching tickled me, that's all - typical Guido hypocrisy.
Neither drink driving, bankruptcy nor drug taking implies dishonesty. Being deliberately misleading on your CV does.
I don't really see the point of the comparison.
Lord Snooty..
Drink and drugs are about messing with your own life.
Practising without a license is messing with other peoples.
Got it in one Rightwinggit.
I could never quite understand why someone with a personality like Mr Draper would choose pseudoshrinkery as an alternative occupation. Then it crossed my mind that perhaps its his way of controlling others again in another field.
Whenever I read his attacks - they seem full of blame-shifting and guilt-loading.
Whatever entertainment value his behaviour provides, I wouldn't want him digging around in my mind when I was very low, vulnerable and susceptible to his own narcissistic personality. I really wouldn't.
So intentionally breaking the criminal law doesn't imply dishonesty?
The point of the comparison was not really about dishonesty; more concerned with general wrongdoing. Guido lays into Draper for a relatively trivial bit of wrongdoing, which seems to me at the very least ironic given his own track record on that front.
Oh, and Rightwinggit, drink-driving is definitely messing with other people's lives. A good friend of mine lost their son to some idiot like Guido who thought it was his 'right' to have a skinful and then get in his car. Sickening.
@Lord Sooty
"Oh, and Rightwinggit, drink-driving is definitely messing with other people's lives."
I totally agree.
I said drinking, I did not say drink driving. I suspect Dolly does not own a car, being an inner city resident...unless, of course you know better.
Pay attention.
Snooty, I said "drinking" not "drink driving"
And yes, I agree with you if driving is involved, but you need to pay attention to what is actually posted.
Multiple posts my bad..noscript doesn't get on with Blogger.com, and clickjacker isn't a fan either!
I was talking about Guido's conviction for drink driving. You then responded to that.
Pay attention.
Again for the hard of thinking, I said;
"Drink and drugs are about messing with your own life."
I did not mention drink driving in my opinion.
A "psychologist" making jokes about "window lickers"?...Hmmmmm...
The wayback machine and Google cache is our friend.
Well the Wright Institute does offer an MA but it's in Counseling Psychology not Clinical Pyschology and is a part-time course which he says he didn't attend anyway.
It is the doctoral program in Clinical Psychology which is accredited by the American Psychological Association.
But Drek says he has an MA from a full-time course and claims to be an accredited Clinical Pyschologist. All very confusing.
I'm just glad I'm not one of his patients - whatever qualification he may or may not have.
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