"Campaigning is like sex – if you’re not enjoying it, you’re not doing it right. It should never be a drudge."So I take it from this we can deduce that Hazel Blears' husband quite often slams a door in her face during sex (kinky) and says "fuck off I don't care about politics"; in between which she gets chased or bitten by dogs that should have been put down (is that legal?); as well as regularly being told that "you're all the fucking same I prefer the BNP, they have the right idea"?
Just saying like.
PJ O'Rourke famously said something to the effect that there is nothing that a girl who rides a bike would not do in bed.
Think about that next time you need to delay the vinegar strokes. ;o)
I'm worried about where she puts the leaflets.
She certainly appears to have very tight lips.
Although her politics are awful I have found myself wondering what campaigning with her would be like!!
Off topic but I keep hearing nasty rumours about Guido and child porn. Is this a sick Draper tactic or could there be anything in it?
Just seen your tweet (or whatever you call it) about sacking strikers. You really are a nasty piece of work sometimes.
Whatever, she'll have plenty of time to practice after the next el(r)ection, hopefully.
I couldn't imagine Barbara Castle saying that.
Isn't she some sort of Biker Chick?
Must be used to hot and throbbing between her thighs, then.
I wouldn't use someone else's on her.
Not even yours, Dizzy.
Hardly the most sensible remark for a government minister to make.
Ghastly little woman. All the nastiness of a redhead, without the looks or charm.
Presumably Mr Blears gets to shove it in there and then has to read out a Treasury report or one of Gordon Brown's speeches to get dear Hazel in a decent lather.
There's all sorts of kinky sex but frankly I think this is just wrong. Aside from anything else shagging Hazel must be like bonking a politicised version of Jimmie Krankie.
Wrong, wrong wrong.
I have been on the campaign trail several times in the past, and never once did I get a stirring in the loins.
Perhaps I was either to young or just plainly doing it wrong.
Should I go and see a doctor?
As a goverment minister they are always right so I must be at fault.
That image of the wild rampant redhead is dangerous. She looks so sharp you could cut yourself on her. Shame her education lets her down.
I don't know about her and kinky sex, but it must have taken some real kinky stuff to produce this psycho-genetic specimen. Who or what did her dad shag? Perhaps she was an early test tube baby ("oops, looks like we need a bigger test tube guys...")
No point. There's nothing very kinky about a face full of pillow...
I'd shag Hazel
I know someone who was talking to a biker bloke who said he'd shagged her, in a pub.
He said she was a virgin but it turned out she had'nt taken her tights off.
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