Let's "Discuss" things on
Downing Street
Looks a bit.... erm... familiar doesn't it? First Brown was called Stalin. Then he was Mr Bean. Now it seems he may be actively trying to portray his initiatives like part of the
Third Fourth Reich? What next? Mao? Pol Pot perhaps?
Via: Iain Dale
Diane Abbott already staked a claim in Mao-love on This Week a month or two back, claiming he did more right than wrong. I reckon as Brown becomes mad in office, the Mussolini influence will be seen next...
Or perhaps New Labour wishes to use Buddhist imagery, or maybe Native American, or possibly even Neolithic art. Looks more like a kids windmill toy (of the kind seen on beaches) than a swastika anyway.
At least you avoided the tacky Arbeit Macht Frei analogy that Iain Dale couldn't resist. Up there with his Katyn Massacre quip.
He'll get arrested for that one in Germany...
... just when you think that they have run out of cringelicious embarrassments to inflict, they manage to go totally over the top.
I'm not so sure that this all being accidental is worse than it being deliberate :(
Mao & Pol Pot are soooo yesterday. The Fourth Reich will be headed by a Brown more like Mugabe.
Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad ......
You may see a swastika if that is what you were looking for.
Of course if you knew anything about the Nazis you will know that they were not above seeing non existent images of all sorts of things in their opponents works.
I thought Godwin's Law applied to comment threads not right wing blog postings.
Riiiight! If you can see a swastika you must really be a secret Nazi, because only a secret Nazi would see that there.
What a crock of shit.
Oh and of course if you see a swastika you can accuse Brown of being a Nazi.
The point I'm making yet again is that if you want to use Nazi and Stalin labels is perhaps you should have an inkling of what they mean and how the Nazis and Stalinists operated.
I don't know whjether you've noticed this, but I am piss taker. As for knowing how the Nazis and Stalinist operated, I know quite well. On the latter very well as I spent three years of University studying Soviet political history, punctuated with a trip to Moscow and the Archives etc etc.
At the end of the day you;re trying to make what is an hilariously mishjudged logo by Dowing Street into some sort of serious issue that the suggestion is Brown is a Nazi. he's not a Nazi, he's a scottish wanker.
Erm, misjudged? What kind of loser graphic designer doesn't know *that* symbol?
As for the Hindu symbol -- that actually goes the other way round -- and even hardcore ANTIFA activists agree that even the dimmest neonazi knows which way the German Hakenkreuz goes(not much dyslexia bonus here).
The setting of the angle at 45 degree didn't help either, this being the 'classic' Hakenkreuz design as opposed to Hindu swastikas that are always straight.
The point I'm making yet again is that if you want to use Nazi and Stalin labels is perhaps you should have an inkling of what they mean and how the Nazis and Stalinists operated.
After 11 years of New Labour we are all familiar with how they operate.
"The point I'm making yet again is that if you want to use Nazi and Stalin labels is perhaps you should have an inkling of what they mean and how the Nazis and Stalinists operated"
After all the uncalled for abuse that was slung at Maggie, I'm sooo sooo enjoying this!
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