Monday, October 01, 2007

Integrated breakfast

An interesting morning thus far, up at 7 and off to the Imperial for a fringe meeting about the EU with free breakfast. Sadly couldn't find the room and the place was teaming with cameras. Of amusement was three different cameramen filming Oliver Letwin on his mobile presumably for a 'Man uses telephone shocker' type story.

Having missed breakfast, Croydonian and I punted for the Hilton and integrated transport plus breakfast. The breakfast was superb and Theresa Villiers was very good speaking on road pricing. Worryingly it sounds like although we're not committed to it yet we probably will be soon.


Anonymous said...

"Theresa Villiers was very good speaking on road pricing. Worryingly it sounds like although we're not committed to it yet we probably will be soon.

Oh dear. That's brought me back down to earth after a watching today's inspiring main hall proceedings.

Anonymous said...

There have been some reports of certain BBC hournalists getting some of their own from conference goers.

Any chance of a Youtube compilation?