Monday, October 01, 2007

Boris, trees and the indistinct north

Have just come out of a London Conservatives event where Boris Johnson gave a storming and hilarious speech. He told us all how he would scrap Livingstone's propaganda rag and use the money to buy....... trees - the crowd went wild!

Just before we had Boris though we had Richard Barnes, the leader of the Tories on the GLA, who got somewhat confused about where next year's conference would be, saying it was to be in Manchester rather than Birmingham. When he was corrected he said 'well north of Watford all looks the same too me'. Damn straight!


flashgordonnz said...

"north of Watford all looks the same too me"

Wait for mindless Labour riddicle/spin in 3...2...1...

Aaron Murin-Heath said...

"north of Watford all looks the same too me"

Maybe, flash, it simply a daft (See: Tory) thing to say?
