According to this morning's Independent the energy giant EDF has gone on a public relations offensive to promote it's new reactors in conjunction with another supplier, Areva. They have launched a website with a generic design assessment called EPR Reactor, which is of course perfectly timed with the consultation upon which the Government appears to have already made up it's mind.
What's odd (given what you'd exepct the Indy line to be on things like nuclear) is that they don't mention that Gordon Brown's brother, Andrew, is the Head of Media Relations at EDF. Unbelievably good timing for a wesbite though, don't you think? The Government makes an announcement of a nuclear consultation on Friday and in the space of two days the big boys have designed and completed a new website to tell everyone all about the wonders of nuclear? They must have been whipping those Indian developers in Bangalore good this weekend.
It's worth noting as well that they also don't mention that Brown's protege, the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, Ed Balls, has a father-in-law, who just happens to be the former Chairman of the Nuclear Industry Association, and is now a non-executive director of the Government quango known as the Nuclear Decommissiong Authority.
If you're thinking right now "father-in-law?" and "Cooper?" the answer is yes. He is the father of the Minister of State for Housing (attending Cabinet) at the Department for Communities and Local Government, Yvette Cooper. Purely as an aside, you have to love the doublespeak style in the name of the NDA don't you? It makes it sound like its interests are somehow opposite to the interests of the nuclear industry.
Nice to see they've totally dropped socialism to the point that family holds privilege again.
The ridiculous thing is, the electorate has become so apathetic that there wouldn't be any fallout from this either.
"They must have been whipping those Indian developers in Bangalore good this weekend." Pure and unadulterated genius.
Excellent research, I didn't realise it was as bad as this.
excellent research? er...the government announced that there would be a new consultation on nuclear months ago, not last friday. And i believe that they are obliged by the HSE to make this information public....
Indeed they did announce plans for a consultation. However, if you had clicked on the links instead of trying to be clever the announcement was the actual detail of the consultation starting, not that they planed it. That announcement was made last Friday. In a press release from John Hutton.
Standing up and saying "we plan to have a consultation" is very different from saying "we are starting the consultaton", but I know you know that.
Do drop by again Anon.
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