"Today's report from the Tories shows that they have not changed - they remain committed to deep and savage unfunded cuts which will hit public services hard.... The scale of these cuts are so huge, they could only be paid for by big and savage cuts in public spending which would damage schools, hospitals and our police.Clearly this is code for "tax cutting Tory maniacs who want to eat babies if they had half a chance". Yet today, with all the trailing of the Quality of Life review from the Tories, Burnham is out and about again, this time telling the Independent,
It is misleading for the Tories to tell people this report is about cutting green taxes when they would need to raise green taxes by eye-watering amounts to meet the tax proposals they have been making. To deal with the scale of the budget gap they have created for themselves, they will have to hit drivers, holidaymakers and home-owners harder than anyone has woken up to yet."So we're not the same old tax-cutting Tories now? Now we're tax rising monsters intent on "hitting drivers" (oh how rich from a Labour minister) and home-owners, and probably eating babies too if we can get the chance.
I'm not sure what is more worrying. The fact that he can't make his mind up, or the fact that he has a modicum of power in relation to the country's economy.
Burnham is a pain isn`t he. Rerturning to the Mercer Issue Dizzy he has not been deselected has he , I read the article. I `m struggling to imagine why not. He cannot possibly continue as a Conservtive Party member surely . If I was a member there I would punch his stupid face for him and my eyebrows shot heavenward when I saw that remark about his other offres . It would be fascinating to know what was going on at constituency level
It is amazing to what extent the Conservative Party have become the Party that shouts at eachother in Public whereas the Labour Party contains mutually incompatitble elements that shut up until after the election.
If you look at Compass you will see most labour activists expressing a visceral loathing of Blair which is rapidly becoming the same for Brown. Why is this not reported , look at what was said in the D PM elelctions
Compass is irrelevant, like Newmania in that regard. Burnham is doing quite well here. I think the word TAX has hilariously been CUT from just before "cuts" in the first quote??
The thing about the Tory tax proposals as far as we know them is that they look to be redistribute to the fifth to tenth decile -> the rich get richer etc.
How any of you Tories can get all literal any prissy about what politicians say when they are spinning ... with Spin Central Cam dropping the reins and changes horses mid channel too, every other day.
Why do you never make sense?
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