Sunday, September 09, 2007

Help find Steve Fosset

Last Februrary, when the computer scientist Jim Gray went missing at sea, I posted about how Amazon's Mechanical Turk was used so that web users could examine satellite imagery and try to find him.

The same system is now being used to find Steve Fosset who went missing last week somewhere in Nevada. The more people that take part the quicker a massive area of of land can be examined. So head on over there now. It won't take long to have a look at a couple of images and see if you can see something.


Alex said...

Strange that nobody is processing this by computer, may be they are, but how difficult is it to scan a jpeg looking for a blob of pixels 4 standard deviations brighter than the mean.

flashgordonnz said...

But how do you program acmpter to look for extended trails of debris radiating out from a central line in a haphazard manner?