Sunday, August 12, 2007

Redwood advocates European approach to the EU?

This morning's Sunday Telegraph has details on John Redwood's forthcoming policy review announcements which will free up business and be the equivalent of cutting business taxes by £14bn. Plans include scrapping IR35 (I know a few contractors who will like that), repealing the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act along with a wholesale review and reduction in Health and Safety regulations. As well as giving companies more freedom to make people redundant.

There is also though, at last, a moment of sanity on the EU. John Redwood will propose that we harmonise with our EU neighbours across the channel and start to disapply stuff we don't like. According to the Telegraph the report will say that we should legislate at home to "disapply EU regulation unilaterally where we think its is against our national interest".

Now tell me, how much more of a good European can you be than to selectively apply EU rules that you fancy and ignore the ones you don't? Every other sod in the EU seems to do it accept us, about time we starting bending the rules. We don't need to pull out of the EU to take our country back, we just have to say "no" when we feel like it.


Barnacle Bill said...

I think that Cindy Sheenan was right when she gave up her peace protest because she believed America was turning into "a fascist corporate wasteland".
Well I sincerely hope that is not where we are headed next.
None of Redwood's proposals seem to be aimed at helping me, Joe Public. Instead they all appear to be appeasing big business demands.
Yes I believe a lightly regulated business world is good for our economy, but I don't want to see us end up like the States.
So come on DC there is a recession coming, let us have some proposals on protecting us the public from it.
Not about allowing your backers to shirk their responsibilities.

dizzy said...

"None of Redwood's proposals seem to be aimed at helping me, Joe Public."

That would be because he was tasked with looking at business and economic competitiveness.

Instead they all appear to be appeasing big business demands.

That would be because he was tasked with looking at business and economic competitiveness.

So come on DC there is a recession coming, let us have some proposals on protecting us the public from it. Not about allowing your backers to shirk their responsibilities.

How quaintly left wing. What would you suggest exactly?

dizzy said...

Incidentally, the reference to this being targeted at "big business" is bollocks. These proposals are for business as a whole. It's not just big business that faces regulation you know. Small local businesses are shutting down all over the place because they can afford to operate because of regulations. If you don't think that the local people running local small businesses are Joe Public that says more about your political prejudices than anything else I'd say.

Chris Harrison said...

In fact, regulations tend to place a larger burden on smaller businesses. Large businesses have teams of accountants and lawyers to handling regulations, while for a small business, it's the owner that has to deal with all the red tape. Big business often lobbies government to increase the complexity of regulation precisely because this makes life difficult for their smaller competitors.

Anonymous said...

"I think that Cindy Sheenan was right when she gave up her peace protest because she believed America was turning into "a fascist corporate wasteland".

What does this mean, exactly, other than that Cindy Sheehan is as mad as bat shit? - and so are you. What is a "fascist corporate wasteland"? If the corporations are owned by shareholders, what fascist policies are they voting in at their annual meetings?

Momma Moonbat gave up her "protest" because she couldn't get any airtime and her support drizzled away.

I can state with absolute confidence that Barnacle Bill has never been to the United States in his life. His post reeks of chippy ignorance.

Mulligan said...

Absolutely spot on from Redwood in fact, privately, I'm sure most of the numpties who come up with half these EU edicts must be absolutely gobsmacked that, whilst the rest of the EU states file them under "does not apply to us" our army of faceless bureaucrats relish the opportunity to go out and apply beyond the letter of the law, even if they close down perfectly well run British businesses to do so.

Maybe there is hope for Cameron's Conservative Party after all.

Anonymous said...

Travis Bickle - It is not "numpties" who "come up" with these edicts. These are people with a mission and they are following the template that was laid down 60 years ago and the end is the destruction of the nation-state and the imposition of a faceless,unaccountable USSR-esque form of governance.

As the countries were lagging in giving up their identities, mass immigration of third world Stone Agers was employed. It's not just Britain. France has got them coming out the kazoo from the Magreb. Spain is coping with daily boatloads of Africans, none of whom speak Spanish or have a thing to contribute, and none of whom turn up with money to support themselves.

Northern Europe seems to have been assigned the dross from the sub-Continent. Strange that all the sleazy freeloaders on the move seem to be islamic, isn't it?

Any Sherlock Holmeses here suspect a plan?

Steven_L said...

We do bend the rules dizzy, but only when it's to pester people who've bought cheap fags and booze from France.

A lot of EU nations just pass the laws then forget the exist.