Saturday, August 11, 2007

Purnell inteferes in football

I have to applaud the Independent this morning for its cover, I really do. They've decided to run with a story which appeared in the Evening Standard last night about how the Culture Secretary, James Purnell, is trying to pressure the Premier League and its clubs to spend more money on encouraging British players and to stop buying so many bloody foreigners. They've turned the story into a "crackdown on immigration" one which is rather amsuing.

Personally speaking I don't think this issue has anything to do with the Government, and the gooner in the Department of Culture, Media and Sport should butt out. Football is a business working in a market. This is of course being driven by the EU who think there should be a quota system in place about how many domestic players should be in a team. At the end of the day politicians have no business interfering into how the clubs across Europe, which are private businesses, operate.


Grendel said...

I would agree wholeheartedly but I don’t think that that the Goonerishness of this individual should be linked to his obvious incapacity in understand the workings of a free market of goods and services. As someone who also follows L’arse I really wouldn’t want to be tarred with the same brush. Actually considering the composition of the Arsenal team over the last few seasons I would have thought that he would have been a little more circumspect on the issue.

Tory Radio said...

I hear Everton are looking to increase their quote of premier league standard footballers? Any truth that this will rise above 50% this year? Ho ho ho. No swearing in your response allowed.

dizzy said...


malpas said...

You don't think this might just be a litmus test to see how reversing the immigration policy might be done.