It's always fun reading the Register of Members' Interests just to see what new and exciting stuff our lords and master have been doing. One of the recent additions to note is under the chipmunk's Hazel Blears' entry.
On the 24th July this year she registered a personal donation from Lorian Properties Ltd, Lancashire. Now this may, or may not be the same 10,000 personal donation she registered with the Electoral Commission on the 30th May.
It's impossible to know really until 30 days from today when, if it is a additional donation, she will have to register it with the Commission. For now the benefit of the doubt should be applied that it is probably the same donation.
Who is Lorian Properties Ltd though? Well, as the name suggests they are in property, and a bit of searching suggests they are property developer. They were, according to the company report I found incorporated in 1994, and their accounts have lots of zeros in them suggesting they don't really do a lot.
Of note though is that there sole shareholder, who was issued with 100 shares at £1 a share is Brian Scowcroft of Cumbria. This is the same Brian Scowcroft of Sunday Times Rich List and Swinton Insurance fortune fame. A major property developer in the north of England and sponsor of an academy school in Carlisle.
There is nothing wrong with that of course, but it's a bit of a stroke for Lorian that Hazel Blears was reshuffled to be Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and effectively put in charge of the Government's new house building plans.
So you think Mr Brown is in on all this ... nothing? As you say there is nothing wrong with all this.
Swinton is in Hazey's constituency. I've never heard of Lorian. This is not a name seen on developers boards in this neck of the woods.
BTW The Hull property developers that gave to Alan Johnston must be really pissed off he's moved to Health ... or are they in fact hospital builders?
And BTW 2 Can you please provide some keen digging over the Smith Square transactions with out of country property developers worth a good deal more than £10,000 to your outfit?
It is amusing to note that the winner Harriet had next to fuck all money and that Hain had loads.
IMO they should restrict spend in all selections and the like at all levels. I know Tory candidates are reckoned to spend £40,000 on their campaigns in personal dosh ... but in the LP there are vast differences between candidates trying to get selected. From DIY DTP to splurges of 6-colour origami. It's wrong. It's a waste.
It must be stopped! By the state! (Only joking)
So you think Mr Brown is in on all this?
What an absiolutely absurd thing to say. I didn't say that and frnakly it would be intellectually contemptable to do so. I used the idea of "luck" precisely to make the point clear that no accusation was being made, it's called an observation and fair comment Chris.
I saw somethign new. I looked into it because it interested me and I've written a comment on what I've found. I have accused no one of anything. I have merely noted the facts relating to a company that has donated money to Hazel Blears and how lucky the reshuffle was for them because they clearly have a relationship with her.
That is not to say they will get special treatment, but the idea that they wouldn't find themselves in a good place to lobby for something that came up in their area of interest thanks to having that relationship with Blears is just silly.
I really don't know why you respond to Piss Crawl at all !
Alan Douglas
Because he always takes my words and creates "So you're saying XXX" straw men which he goes on to demolish but sadly there are many people out there who reads those sort of comments and don't see them as bollocks.
Dizzy : Chris Paul is absurd !
Why don`t you tell him to go jump in the Pomona Dock ? He`ll get my gist ! He`s been given the "Bum`s Rush" on nearly every decent Blog Site to date, (except Hazel Blear`s of course)!
A good example of some intelligent digging.
Keep it up.
Poor Chris Paul , he needs the Labour Party more than they need him. Sad.
Wouldn't it be the housing minister who is "effectively in charge of the governments new housebuilding programme". Crazy, I know. Just throwing that in the mix.
The Hosuing Minister who reports directly to the Secretary of State for Communties and Local Government... hence "effectively"
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