Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Oh my god it's magenta!

Or as some might say, pink! I guess Better With Labour may will be the campaign theme in the coming General Election. It only appears to have an NHS section right now but I guess, besides the colour, it will soon contain all manner of statistics telling us why any negative perception we may have on the satte of things is just wrong.

I love the fact that when you shrink the window horizontally all the layers and tables go crazy though.


S said...

Better with Labour sounds a little desperate for a campaign slogan. It basically says "we're pretty dreadful really, but the rest are even worse, so vote for us"

Prodicus said...

Don't give the buggers any tips!!!

Old BE said...

I'd like to try out the "see how your money is being spent" section!

Does it have a list of GPs who do less work for more money under Labour?

Does it have a list of hospitals closed, PFI projects gone wrong, nurses and doctors in exile because the NHS has cocked up recruitment so badly?

GS said...

It says that P Hewitt is the Sec of State for Health. I thought that she'd been given the boot.