Yesterday I said a source at CCHQ had suggested to me that the Redwood interview on the BBC was a curve ball for CCHQ. Another correspondent has been in touch to dispute this saying actually the real curve ball was on Friday when CCHQ learned that the Sunday Telegraph had been leaked the report.
Apparently, this led to a trailing of the trailing of the report in the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail on Saturday, presumably amid concerns that the Sunday Telegraph might write it all up as a "The Right Bites Back and challenges Cameron" type story - which of course it didn't and I have no idea or evidence that it planned too.
Given that the policy review teams have their own media operations separate from CCHQ I wonder who it was that authorised the leaking and briefing to the Sunday Telegraph?
1 comment:
The question I keep asking is WTF is Andy Coulson doing? Isn't he meant to be the media guru to save the Tory party from ridiculous press management bungles? Or are we just paying him lots of money then keeping him locked in a room while allowing the usual idiot kids who run CCHQ carry on as they were?
*sigh* I love how the Tories get accused of being as full of spin as Labour. We couldn't spin our way out of a Ferris Wheel
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