Tuesday, August 14, 2007

LabourVision fizzles out?

If you're going to have a website you have to keep it updated. this is esepcially true if you're a political party, and even more so if you're dipping your toes into the "Web 2.0" world of blogs, and online media like YouTube.

This golden rule though seems to be lost on Labour Party. They're YouTube channel LabourVision, which was all about "engaging with millions" as the then party chair Hazel Blears said, hasn't been updated for a calender month. It's not like there hasn't been potential content either, what with war, floods and pestilence!


Tuscan Tony said...

I'd forgotten about it, and I suspect they may have, too. In any case, can you honestly imagine Gordon "Arctic Monkey" Brown uploading anything (with the possible exception of a grimy finger to a well-filled nostril)?

Anonymous said...

While your about Labour ,how about you changing your egg image on messagespace or did you forget, maybe that's what Labour did :-)

dizzy said...

I;m not responsible for message space!

Mulligan said...

I think they've sussed that their potential audience spends all day trolling and infecting Tory blogs.

Anonymous said...

We're on it! Dizzy got in touch with us this morning to remind us about it.

chatterbox said...

Labour's vision fizzled out a long time ago but the spin goes on and on.....