Sunday, August 12, 2007

Facebook exposes its source code to the world

The source code for the front page of Facebook has appeared as a single blog post on a new blog called Facebook Secrets. Facebook told TechCrunch,
"Some of Facebook’s source code was exposed to a small number of users due to a bug on a single server that was misconfigured and then fixed immediately. It was not a security breach and did not compromise user data in any way. The reprinting of this code violates several laws and we ask that people not distribute it further."
A little worrying I'd say. If one web server is "misconfigured" then what else is?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... a single misconfigured server..? Hmmm ... Ignite (HP-UX) Jumpstart (Solaris) ... Kickstart (Linux) ...