Friday, March 02, 2007

Civil Service takes the rap in Home Office whitewash?

According to an internal report into 27,500 files on Britons convicted of crimes overseas which were not properly processed by Home Office, the cause was due to "collective failure" of the civil service. Dusty Amroliwala, the senior civil servant who carried out the review said,
"I have found no evidence that the existence of the accumulated records or their content were brought to ministerial attention at any time prior to January 9, 2007."
If that is true, then what about the letter that was sent to Tony Mcnulty by ACPO in October 2006 and was acknowledged as received by Joan Ryan in December 2006? Both of these people are ministers, so how does that not count as being brought to ministerial attention?

It looks to me like the Civil Service has been nobbled and forced to take the rap for failures rather than the ministers. It's basically a whitewash. I'm not surprised by this, ministerial responsibility is anathema to this Government, but the evidence of ministerial attention of the problem is there for all see.


Anonymous said...

I used to know an Texan tool pusher who had a phrase for these sort of twats - they had Co-Ca cola shoulders!
If you remember the shape of the old coke bottles, nice smooth sloping shape.
Of course what he was inferring was that any of the brown stuff landing on someone like that. It just slid off down onto the underlings below.
How very true of any form of responsibility under NuLabor!

Anonymous said...

When you take the rap it is spelt rap, as in a rap on the front door. Not wrap.