Not sure if anyone caught
Iain Dale and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on Sunday AM this morning but they were discussing blogs etc. As you'll probably guess, Iain was on the side of the blogosphere, and Yasmin Alibhai-Brown was against.

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's argument against blogs was essentially that all we do is whinger about things. Whilst it may not have been heard clearly, Iain quite right pointed out that that is what she gets paid to do as a columnist on a regular basis.
Yes, some of us are whinging sods. But the difference is that we don't do it with the guaranteed captive audience that regular commentators get, for example, in the Evening Standard. What's more we don't get paid for it, no matter what some obsessive Internet conspiracy loons might think.
If blogging paid, I wouldn't need a job.
I saw the interview and Yasmin came accross as talking little about nothing. She could not give a sensible argument against blogging, if anything, she managed to get people more intrigued about the subject. Blog on!
Didn't watch it because I came in late , I think the Blogs are starting to hit these people ,they see there power to pursuade dribbling away ,the newpapers are seeing there money go even faster.
its been an interesting weekend for bloggers, if I do not know better I might think these attacks were coordinated
I like looking at blogs ,the views people have are great ,so I will read the Headers and the Commentries,did not see Mr Dale this morning,look as if I missed something , I have to admit the newsgroups get my vote, you dont go near them without armour ,old world maybe.
From what I can see a blogger is just an opinion piece writer without a salary.
All YAB does is moan... it's all I do as well. However, I do it as a form of release from the rigours of the law not to earn a crust. I get the feeling that she is worried about her job - many of the best bloggers (yourself, Eugenides, Chicken Yoghurt) deserve a spot in the papers more than that harridan.
Well, I don't just whinge, I say what I think needs to be done adn what I support. What is more it is my political standing is clear. What is she whinging about axactly?
She just came over as arrogant. So for once, Sunday AM presented some truth.
I think Guthrum may be on to something. Guido has done enough damage to the NuLabs for them to want to stick the knife in.
All this on poor Guido's birthday!
Terrorist Ali-bhai Brown has never uttered a sensible word. The only reason she gets to spout her nonsense is her colour and sex!
I think Iain spoke for Conservative bloggers, not everyone. When he was asked about why did there only seem to be Tory blogs, he failed to give any credit to other parties. He was supposed to be there representing us all, not just the Tory Party !
Nich, I regularly say there are some very good LibDem blogs. Admittedly I didn;t yesterday, but it is true that most of the best blogs are on the Right - well, I believe it to be true anyway.
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