If it wasn't for the second chamber in the last ten years this country would be in an even worse mess in terms of liberty than it currently is. Unicameralism, also known as "who needs check and balance?", would lead to an even greater potential for total populist dictatorship.
I that respect I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Labour authoritarians would want to vest total power in one chamber and reduce the need for amendment and debate.
When you compare the unicameral to bicameral systems around the world, the number of corrupt dictatorships and totalitarian regimes in the former are far greater than in the latter.

Even the current proposals being marketed by the likes of Miliband are enough to cause concern, who needs a second House elected by the populus with the same "political flavour" as the House of Commons?
Last night's vote in the Lords is as good an illustration as any that the second chamber requires an element of independence.
We should have a type of tricameral legislature.
We should never get rid of the lords. they have been too good to us.
Surely you cannot mean Gerald Howarth, Conservative MP for my old stamping ground of Aldershot, can you? Or am I missing something?
No, it's ok. It is George Howarth, the Labour MP for Knowsley North & Sefton East. Faux pas there Dizz!
Guilty as charged. Corrected.
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