Friday, February 09, 2007

Labour announces brand logo change

Found on YouTube


Anonymous said...

I think it looks more like a life buoy, but then I suppose thats pretty apt too...

blinbo said...

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Croydonian said...

Dizzy, I've already signed up to myspace in order to request the person above to stop spamming, and recommend that you do the same.

I think Martine posted that graphic a while back...

Anonymous said...

I will take your word - what about those leaks though, how can it protect itself against any potentially embarassing moments?

Anonymous said...

Watching QT I was expecting a biased audience for nuLab ,last night was a suprise.
Milly looked out of touch and uncomfortable , the local police got a pat on the back ,all fingers pointed to HMG ,only postal voting will tell us if we have winds of change.