Friday, February 09, 2007

Equality from discrimination for all... almost

The following was highlighted in this morning's Independent by Dominic Lawson which I wanted to check before I posted. This is the full text of the Equality Act 2006. Section (52) titled "Public Authorities" says the following
(1) It is unlawful for a public authority exercising a function to do any act which constitutes discrimination.
It then says,
(3) The prohibition in subsection (1) shall not apply to-
  • (a) the House of Commons,
  • (b) the House of Lords,
  • (c) the authorities of either House of Parliament,
  • (d) the Security Service,
  • (e) the Secret Intelligence Service,
  • (f) the Government Communications Headquarters, or
  • (g) a part of the armed forces of the Crown which is, in accordance with a requirement of the Secretary of State, assisting the Government Communications Headquarters.
So when all those politicians were banging on about how the Catholic Church could not possibly be exempt because equality from discrimination was universal and applied to everyone, what they actually meant was everyone except them.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dizzy. What a bunch of not very nice people.

I don't see the need for the legislation at all myself.

Anonymous said...

Some pigs are more equal than others, Dizzy.